SEO Agency London

SEO Services

On Top of the Word has a dedicated team of SEO experts who live and breathe data, engagement and click rates. Which is handy for the rest of us, who are far more into a bit of wordplay and syntax.
An image of a professional woman telling us about copywriting from our SEO Agency London

Get your content noticed by the right people, in the right places, at the right time.

What we do - at our SEO Agency London

Whether you want to build up a digital presence from scratch, or put a proverbial firework under what you already have, we can help.

Driven by results

With SEO, accountability is key. Because, as you no doubt already know, it’s all too easy to invest an awful lot without getting anything in return.

But we don’t do that. And in order for you to be assured of that at every stage, we hold regular meetings to update you on exactly what’s happening with your website, and the tangible data behind what is – and is not – working.

No smoke and mirrors, no SEO wizardry designed to confuse and confound. Just facts and results at our SEO agency London.

Do content and SEO work together?

Yes. Or rather, they should. But this is where most SEO and content agencies fall down – they don’t work cohesively. Because in order for SEO to work, it needs fantastically readable content, and in order for your fantastic content to be noticed by the right people, it has to have the power of SEO behind it – otherwise it lives a life of (beautifully crafted) solace, and doesn’t do its job.

It’s no good getting thousands of people to your website if they find terrible content when they get there. You’re not going to make that sale, or any others for that matter.

Which is why our SEO team not only work with us, they are a huge part of what we do. We don’t need to introduce ourselves to a new team for every project – we’re already a team. We know each other well, we know the process inside out, and we know how to make your content work for you.

Get in touch today to find out how we can supercharge your website.

This image shows glasses on a keyboard, that we used of a cotnent writer in london

About SEO copywriting

If you want your website to be at the top of customers’ results and minds, SEO-optimised writing is a great place to start.

SEO content incorporates targeted keywords with high-quality writing, boosting your site’s visibility by ensuring it gets seen by the right people. A combination of keyword optimisation and an understanding of user intent means that your website not only attracts organic traffic but also starts conversations and (crucially) turns casual visitors into customers. You could say that the ideal SEO content strikes the perfect balance between data science and art, if you were that way inclined (which we are).

Why does SEO matter?

With nearly everybody turning to the internet for answers, the higher your website ranks in search engines, the more clicks it will receive. We know… it’s not rocket science. But as every visitor is a potential customer, the right SEO-optimised content can make all the difference.

By taking advantages of SEO, your website can occupy a sustained and successful online presence. Some of the benefits of this include — but are by no means limited to -– gaining a competitive advantage, adapting to algorithm changes in search engines and providing an overall better user experience. With its long-lasting results, the right SEO content keeps working for your website no matter what else you do to promote your business. Winning.

SEO agency London Team Member

Why hire an SEO expert?

An SEO expert can craft the perfect piece of writing that brings readers to your webpage and accomplishes your marketing goals.

Because your content needs to be bespoke for your business — and original, sorry AI — and that’s where a (human!) expert can assess the keywords for your industry, look at exactly what your ideal clients want to know, and deliver a great piece of writing that meets those needs.

But it’s not just about great writing, there is a great deal of technique to it too. SEO crawlers assess whether content is written purely for SEO or an audience. An expert will strike the right balance between human appeal and search engine spiders, and get your website to the all-illusive top of the list.

With the internet’s increasing scope, hiring an SEO expert will mean your business gets the exposure it needs, and put you in front of the right people at the right time — time and time and time again. Now, who doesn’t want that?

Content that gets results

We create content that tells your clients exactly what they need to know, in exactly the way you want it to be said.

Whether you have a question, need some help or just want to shoot the breeze, this is how you do it.