Why digital content matters

Do you have a website?

If yes, which of the following types of website do you have?

  1. An online business card. A simple website that provides credibility and is only found by people you have personally given your web address to.
  2. A website that gets a lot of ‘traffic’ or people viewing it each month because it shows up on page one of Google. This in turn leads to numerous new client enquiries from people outside of your existing network.
  3. A website that has cost you time and money to set up, yet generates no business, no new client enquiries and does not show up anywhere near page one of Google.

Unfortunately, most business owners have option 3, yet think they have option 2. If you’re in the early stage of business growth (under £100,000 turnover) an online business card type of website is fine. Spending a lot of time or effort on your website is not what will move you forward fastest.

However, if you want to expand your network, build your credibility and have a website that generates you new clients, you need to do things differently. And by differently, we mean doing the right things, in the right order.

To have a website that works for you, it needs to get noticed by Google so it shows up on page one of any search. Anything not on page one, basically doesn’t exist. Think about it, when was the last time you clicked on page two, let alone pages three or four?

To get noticed by Google, it doesn’t matter how great or pretty your current website is, it all comes down to the question, “What (good) new content have you added recently?”

This means getting your content right, because content matters. We know what you’re thinking… of course they’d say that.

Which we do. And what matters most about content is the outcome and frequency. Every piece of content should have a purpose and an outcome, otherwise it shouldn’t exist, because it’s just fluff.

Your outcome determines what content you need to create, how frequently you need to produce it, and how much time, effort or money you need to devote to it. Without this clarity, creating content (blogs) will be just another task you’ll end up avoiding (like making phone calls).

However, the right content posted at the right frequency will get you noticed by Google. This gives you:

  • A connection to your clients: meaning greater loyalty and a higher lifetime value
  • Engagement with potential clients: meaning more new clients
  • Brand awareness: meaning attracting better paying clients
  • In short, your website will start making, instead of costing you money.

And it establishes you as an expert in your field.

But you can’t just slap any old blog on your website and expect it to do the job. It won’t.So in the spirit of being helpful (which we like to be wherever possible), in our next blog, we’ll share a a few tips for getting it oh-so-right.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or need any help with your content, just get in touch.

We’re always happy to hear from you and always happy to help.

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