What are 2024’s key digital marketing trends?

If we think of potential trends what comes to your mind!? And what key changes you need to pay attention to as well?
Digital Marketing Trends Today

The digital space is always evolving, and that seems more true than ever with the rapid improvements in AI technology. It, of course, plays a huge part in the digital marketing trends for 2024, and there are other key changes you need to pay attention to as well.

So, let’s get started. 


Artificial intelligence is going to change marketing fundamentally in many ways, and some that we cannot predict yet. There are already obvious trends. 

Firstly, marketing departments should have a specific AI strategy. It’s too complicated and important just to do it on a whim.

  • Marketers are using AI to streamline content creation by using AI to create copy or even videos
  • There is a trend on social media platforms to incorporate AI into their user experience, brands can capitalise to make their content better – TikTok allows you to customise your feed with AI, Instagram is launching AI-generated stickers and LinkedIn has AI features for premium users 
  • This trend is meta – not only are marketers using AI, but they are also leveraging the interest in AI. For example, they might post “We asked AI what the best taco restaurants in LA were – here’s what it said”. It’s a new twist on a traditional listicle and it hooks audiences in as we are all still fascinated by what AI can do, and equally fascinated by the mistakes it sometimes makes

AI meets CGI

AI can cheaply and easily create great-looking videos, which brands are using to make more ambitious adverts – think of the adverts for fashionable handbags. Jacquemus bags drove around Paris like cars in a lowkey advert that was designed to make you think they were performing some kind of stunt.

Look a little closer, and it’s CGI.

We don’t know if Jacquemus used AI for this advert, but AI does have the capacity to create similar content and marketers are beginning to wake up to this powerful new tool. 

Augmented reality previews

More revolutionary technology to revolutionise marketing. Augmented reality – Think about the craze for Pokemon Go. It showed a real place and projected a cartoon Pokemon character into the real world. It seems Roger Rabbit was ahead of his time. 

For marketers, this holds great potential. According to Forbes, brands are using AR to allow customers to preview their products. Want to see how a new carpet would look in your room – AR will let you take a look. 

SEO Trends – digital marketing trends

If you are not already focused on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) then you are oh-so late to the party. Appearing high on Google searches or other platforms is crucial to the success of your product. 

43% of E-Commerce Traffic comes from Organic Google Search, according to Saleslion.

Well, SEO is about to change again and this time it’s because of (you guessed it) AI. Search engines will be able to use AI to provide more relevant results for their users. 

Google calls this Search Generative Experience (SGE) – it will act separately and will not be used for every search. SGE will be focused on curiosity – so a simple search like “digital marketing” will not trigger the SGE capabilities, but “the history of digital marketing in the 21st century” might, according to insynch.

So, brands will have to produce high quality, interesting content, like blogs, that discuss topics beyond simple questions, to trigger SGE and end up ranking well. 

Traditional SEO will still be important with simple queries like “how to unblock my drain” (if you are a plumbing service), given that people still need solutions to their simple questions. You’ll need a strategy to decide if you want to rank highly on SGE and how to do so. 

AI is changing the digital landscape. Marketers need to be primed to leverage all the new trends and opportunities presented by this new technology. And if they are ready to pounce, AI can pay dividends for marketing.

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