5 Digital Marketing skills you need to know

If you are not using this 5 skill within your digital marketing strategy you are out of date!
Digital Marketing Expert

Digital marketing is a multi-faceted gig, and you need to master a range of skills to ensure you are engaging customers to your digital platforms’ full potential.

Here are five skills you must know:


Search Engine Optimisation is king. 43% of E-Commerce Traffic comes from Organic Google Search, according to Saleslion. Ranking high up on Google or other search engines is key to reaching customers, no matter your business. 

You need to know how to use keywords, how to build trust on Google, how to format your pages, write evergreen blogs and make the most of one of the news events. What’s more, Google is bringing out a new SEO tool that uses AI – it will not be triggered for all SEO, only questions that are curious beyond a simple answer. So, “how to clean my sink” will not trigger Search Generative Experience (SGE), as it’s called. But, the “history of sinks in the 21st century” might.

Email marketing

Social media platforms rise and fall like empires. It was FaceBook, then Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tiktok. One form of communication has stayed present throughout – email.

You need to be on social media, but you also need to master email campaigns. These include one-off announcements, like deals and events. And also ongoing newsletters to build your customer base over time. 

Social media

Since we’ve mentioned it, you need to be on social media. And you need to know how to use it properly. It’s almost worse being on social media and posting videos or texts that seem either amateur or just not the vibe of the platform. 

You need to plan a consistent social media strategy across all platforms to build brand awareness, but that is equally tailored for each medium. 

Video marketing

Videos are a powerful tool for all social media platforms. Wyzowl found that 91% of businesses use video marketing, up from 61% in 2016 when they first started tracking data.

Sprout Social’s 2022 Index data found 66% of consumers reported paying the most attention to short-form video content. They found it 2.5x more engaging than long-form videos. 

That’s not to say you should never do long form. A study by Ipsos found that Gen Z are more willing than ever to invest hours into videos about topics they care about. 

Work out who you want to reach, then work out how to do it with video. 

Data analysis 

With digital marketing, you’ll end up with a lot of data – click-throughs, watch times, views to sales, likes, shares, bounce rate, and traffic source.

But data in and of itself is useless if you don’t know how to use it. 

Digital marketers need to know how to analyse the data. That can mean several things – perhaps manually, or using a tool. AI will empower marketers to analyse data and see patterns that would otherwise be hidden from the naked eye.

Conclusion on digital marketing trends

This is an evolving space. You need to be learning new skills constantly. You can do it formally or by self-practice. Either way, the future is digital and marketers need to be on-hand to capitalise on the massive audience at their fingertips. 

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